17/Mar/16 / 17:26 / Paul Shipman

Connecticut Food Bank Programs Help People Understand Challenges of Hunger and Importance of Nutrition by Courtney Marello   National Nutrition Month is a time to highlight the importance of good nutrition as the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. As you look at your own eating patterns and confirm your good habits or plan to make changes, […]

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10/Mar/16 / 15:15 / Paul Shipman

Connecticut Food Bank Measures and Tracks Nutrition Quality to Improve Health Outcomes of Hungry People in Connecticut by Helana Hoover-Litty, MS, RD   Access to nutritious food is essential to health and well-being. That access is a challenge for many people in our state who struggle to meet basic needs and put food on the table […]

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04/Mar/16 / 15:35 / Paul Shipman

Connecticut Food Bank Joins Fairfield County Giving Day Fairfield County’s Community Foundation Leads Community Drive WALLINGFORD, CONN., March 4, 2016 – The Connecticut Food Bank will join other local nonprofit organizations serving Fairfield County on Thursday, March 10, for Fairfield County’s Community Foundation Giving Day. The charitable giving drive is aimed at building awareness of […]

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