2024 Community Impact Grant Program

The 2024 Community Impact Grant application has closed. View a list of grant recipients.

If your organization received a 2024 Community Impact Grant, funding must be spent by March 30, 2025. Our team will contact you to schedule a brief check-in meeting in September/October 2024. Final written reports for 2024 Community Impact Grants are due by April 30, 2025 using this form here.

2023 Community Impact Grant Program

If your organization received a 2023 Community Impact Grant, final grant reports were due by January 30, 2024.

View the 2023 Community Impact Grant Recipients here.

View a report of the 2023 Community Impact Grant Program here.

Additional Grant Resources Beyond Connecticut Foodshare

For tips on finding and securing grants from other sources beyond Connecticut Foodshare, view our Foundation Fundraising and Grant Writing 101 training:


Slides from presentation