Inform lawmakers about the urgency of prioritizing anti-hunger action.
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Connecticut Foodshare partners across the state are seeing an increase in neighbors seeking emergency food assistance but no increase in resources to meet the need. In response to this urgent situation, Connecticut Foodshare is asking the State of Connecticut to increase funding for the Connecticut Nutrition Assistance Program (CT-NAP) from $850,000 to $10 million annually. Created over 20 years ago, CT-NAP provides funds for Connecticut Foodshare to purchase Connecticut-sourced food to distribute at no cost to our network of partner pantries serving residents across the state.
View the bill and latest action at the legislature.
Read more about our request here.
Take action to support HB 7021.
Use this tool from the Connecticut General Assembly to find the legislators that represent your location.
Learn about elected officials and the life of a bill.
The legislative session convenes January 8, 2025, and adjourns June 4, 2025.
Tools & templates to support your advocacy efforts.
Learn how a Connecticut Foodshare partner hosted legislators at their program.
Engage your social media network!
Learn why it's important to connect with elected officials at every level of government and how you can get started speaking about your program and the importance of food access. Connecticut Foodshare Chief of Staff, Jennie Hirsch, is joined by Chris VanDeHoef, Founder & CEO, Liam Sweeney, Principal, and Natalie Diaz, Associate, of Penn Lincoln Strategies, our Government Relations firm, to discuss advocacy objectives, tools, and tips.
Connecticut Foodshare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN: 06-1063025
Connecticut Foodshare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN: 06-1063025