Farm Partner Highlight: Wild Carrot Farm

12/Sep/17 / 11:20 / Paul Shipman

Farms are terrific partners in the fight against hunger. The Connecticut Food Bank is proud to work with Connecticut farmers to grow solutions to hunger in our state. In addition to helping provide more access to fresh produce, we support the local farm economy by working to move all produce to tables and pantries. We […]

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30/Aug/17 / 14:10 / Paul Shipman

Food Safety Corner | Freezer and Refrigerator Tips   Make sure air can circulate around the back of your fridge and freezer.   Try not to put the fridge or freezer next to a heat source such as a cooker or radiator, or in direct sunlight as this will make the fridge work harder to […]

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Connecticut Food Bank Staff Highlight: Derek Cable

30/Aug/17 / 14:03 / Paul Shipman

There are many people at the Connecticut Food Bank who help to source, package and transport the food that reaches you and the people you serve. In this ongoing feature, we will help you get to know some of the team. This month, we’re chatting with Derek Cable, our Food Safety and Process Improvement Manager. […]

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