OrderAhead is a FREE platform developed by Feeding America for food pantries and food banks so that neighbors can order food quickly, conveniently, and privately. The process is like other online grocery ordering apps. After checking out, users get a confirmation email, and then can pick up their groceries (or have them delivered if your program offers that option) at the set time.
For food pantries, adopting OrderAhead can translate into less food waste, shorter wait times, the ability to offer choice to neighbors, and an opportunity to reach neighbors who may not be able to visit the pantry due to time constraints, lack of transportation, or physical ability.
Connecticut Foodshare has limited funding available to help you get started with OrderAhead! Write us at
orderahead@ctfoodshare.org for information.
SWAP is a stoplight nutrition ranking system designed to help promote healthy food choices at food banks and food pantries. SWAP ranks foods based on levels of saturated fat, sodium and added sugars because these nutrients are linked with increased risk of chronic diseases. SWAP aligns with the Healthy Eating Research Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System, and ranks food into three categories: Green (choose often), Yellow (choose sometimes), and Red (choose rarely).
Connecticut Foodshare ranks food in its inventory using SWAP, and dozens of food pantries across Connecticut are doing the same. We also have resources that help our partner programs to engage in conversations with donors about nutrition and the link between hunger and health to encourage more donations of healthy food choices.
Learn more about implementing SWAP:
Guide to Ranking Food in SWAP Categories -English
Guide to Ranking Food in SWAP Categories - Spanish
Any questions? Contact institute@ctfoodshare.org
Looking for inspiration and guidance on ways you can creating a welcoming setting for your neighbors? We have recordings available of online webinars recorded with your peers in the network sharing success tories from their programs.
Creating A Welcoming Culture - May 2024
Creating A Welcoming Culture - February 2024
Creating A Welcoming Culture - October 2023
Creating A Welcoming Culture - September 2023
Creating A Welcoming Culture - August 2023
Creating A Welcoming Culture - July 2023
Creating A Welcoming Culture - June 2023
Creating A Welcoming Culture - April 2023
Creating A Welcoming Culture - March 2023
Connecticut Foodshare has a printable, bilingual handout you can download and share with neighbors that has links to resources for food an other resources. Keep some on hand for your visitors.
This bilingual card you can download and share with neighbors has a QR code that links to resources Connecticut Foodshare to help your neighbors with a range of needs. Keep one visible at your site for visitors.
The UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health has released the “Meeting Neighbor Needs with Culturally Connected Foods” guide to help pantries meet the cultural needs of neighbors. An editable survey for neighbors and an editable survey for pantry volunteers and staff are available in English and Spanish. View the resource here.
Connecticut Foodshare Network Connection is your place to chat, connect, learn from, and share inspiration with your partners in our fight against hunger. This free online chat and messaging tool lets you connect in real time or at your convenience. It's easy to get started! Read our introduction here, download the user guide here, download the flyer here, and click here to sign up.
Connecticut Foodshare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN: 06-1063025
Connecticut Foodshare is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. EIN: 06-1063025