Springing Into Summer

24/May/17 / 11:33 / Paul Shipman

Here at the Connecticut Food Bank, we source local, seasonal fruits and veggies as much as possible. While produce pounds dwindle in the winter, they flourish in the summer. Look forward to lots more fresh produce hitting our warehouse in the coming months. In the meantime, enjoy and pass along this easy recipe for one […]

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Spring Has Sprung!

13/Apr/17 / 13:36 / Paul Shipman

We’re excited to re-launch our newsletter as springtime reaches Connecticut! We’ll bring you monthly updates on the Connecticut Food Bank, happenings across our member network, nutrition tips, recipes, and other items of interest.   In celebration of spring, let’s take the pledge to make a few small changes in our everyday eating habits. Myplate, MyWins […]

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Recipe Notes

13/Apr/17 / 13:34 / Paul Shipman

Just Say Yes to Cabbage! Our colleagues at the Food Bank of Central New York shared this great recipe from Just Say Yes to Fruits and Vegetables, a collaborative program of the New York State Department of Health and several New York food banks. Use that leftover winter produce! Here are some good tips when […]

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